The journey begins traveler
Server will go live on September 24 2022 at 10:00 GMT-5
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The journey begins traveler
Server will go live on September 24 2022 at 10:00 GMT-5
The journey begins traveler
First 10 players to level 400 will be rewarded 5,000 WC. In game shop will remain closed until event is over.
The journey begins traveler
Guilds can be created with up to 35 members.
The journey begins traveler
The Miracle Merchant Phase 1!
Some may call him the master scammer. Chat with him in Elbland to gamble your valuables for a chance at rewarding treasure. First phase of Moss will be available at start!
The journey begins traveler
Hunt Phase 1 Invaders!
Invaders are important to hunt as they offer fantastic loot. Each invader will be level capped and provide critical items within that level range. Invader drops and timers are available in game by pressing F1.
The journey begins traveler
Phase 1 will include entry level bosses!
Travel into the depths of Kalima 6 and 7 to fight the Illusions of Kundun! Travel into the eternal Kanturu Ruins to fend against the ultimate embodiment of horror, Nightmare!
Spooks, Tricks, Treats and Competition
All throughout the MU continent, Pumpkins can be found while hunting.
Smash the pumpkin open for a trick or perhaps a treat!
Spooks, Tricks, Treats and Competition
All guilds are welcome to compete in a battle soccer tournament!
Spooks, Tricks, Treats and Competition
Server first siege battle will commence.
Guild Masters will need to coordinate their teams and submit Signs of Lord to the Keepers in Valley of Loren to successfully register their place.
Spooks, Tricks, Treats and Competition
You just got aquainted with the Miracle Merchant and probably have love hate or trust issues!
Be prepared for a whole new whirlwind of emotions as the master scammer is gambling some very high valuable items in Phase 2!
Spooks, Tricks, Treats and Competition
You enjoyed hunting invaders at the beginning and you certainly will enjoy them now!
More challenging invaders with unique level caps will be released.
Spooks, Tricks, Treats and Competition
The darkness that lingers across the MU Continent will never rest.
Be prepared for a whole new realm of evil as you fight against Selupan the Spider King of Raklion, Medusa the Serpent Queen of the Swamps and Erohim the gatekeeper of Trials, !
Leaves may fall but we won't!
Collect maple leaves obtained from hunting monsters and exchange them with the spirit of maple to earn rewards.
Leaves may fall but we won't!
Server first Arca battle will be scheduled.
Guild Masters will collaborate to determine the best time of day to initiate the battle.
Leaves may fall but we won't!
Players will be challenged by facing some of the strongest invaders.
In addition a few 'catch up' style invasions will be introduced again all with unique level caps.
Leaves may fall but we won't!
The elemental energy is rising creating rifts on the continent of MU.
Venture into the volcanic mountains of Uruk to challenge Lord Silvester. Climb the highest peaks of Nars to face the mighty Core Magriffy. Travel to the once beautiful kingdom of Ferea and defeat the now crused Ferea Lord.
Wishing all happy and healthy holidays!
Santa is bringing presents to the continent of MU!
Wishing all happy and healthy holidays!
Will be hosting our year end duel tournament filled with fierce competition and prizes!
Wishing all happy and healthy holidays!
Elemental and darkness combined to create pure chaos.
Venture into the depths of Deep Dungeon to battle against the Deep Gorgon. Purchase magical fragments from James in Elbland to teleport to the underground ice cave where you will find Lord Nix. The Swamp of Darkness is home to a demon so powerful that one one gaze from it's eyes, you can be obliterated from this world. Should you dare, fight the self proclaimed God of Darkness.
Wishing all happy and healthy holidays!
Elite elemental solders will begin to appear.
Embark your team on a mission to rid these powerful Elites and claim valuable loot.
A reason to celebrate
To celebrate the new years, giveaways will be running for the first week.
A reason to celebrate
World first Battle Royal MU! Players can register for this tournament style competition to compete for prizes. Last player standing wins!
“The Revival of Kethotum”
Kethotum, the city where Kundun, dominated by the god of darkness, was sealed
Ancient Kethotum is a new field where the seal of Kundun still remains and can be accessed by characters above level 700 . Burning Kethotum is a field where Kundun's seal has been broken and where more powerful monsters appear. This field can be accessed by characters above level 1,160 .
Angle your camera however you wish to get the best views.
Don't want to leave your computer on overnight?
No problem, use the /offlevel command available in PVP maps to level while your PC is off.
Custom Guild vs Guild PVP event taking place in Devias 3. Claim the throne to gain access to a secret map, Pandora's Isle.
Hunt and or complete objectives in game to claim weekly rewards easily from your user control panel.
Got killed? Someone looted a rare item? In game notices will keep you informed of major movement in game.
A half elf who specializes in ancient rune magic.
Long range, very strong magic damage, but lack mobility.
Super natural hunter created from experiments.
Uses daggers as primary weapon and has the ability to reveal enemies.
Ranged assassin utilizing magic guns which never run out of ammo.
Can deliver a barrage of damage from any distance.
Kundun the light wizard. Yielding holy enegy, deliveres devastating area of effect damage.
Can deliver massive damage from long range.